Loyal to my Farmer Contest 2020!

Dear loyal subscribers,

For the opening of our 2020 summer baskets registration, we have concocted, with the other farms in the Family Farmers Network, an exclusive contest open only to you! By registering to our organic baskets HERE before March 1st, you have the chance to win one of the 10 refunds of 100$ offered by the Network. (PS: when you do so, don’t forget to click on the Participate Button in your invoice in order to complete your registration to the contest)

This year again, reiterate your choice to support organic and local agriculture, to support local economy and our farm. In turn, we are committed to offering you varied seasonal products, picked at maturity the day before the delivery of your organic basket, so that you can enjoy maximum freshness and flavor. And all this without neglecting to cultivate the land while respecting the soil and biodiversity to preserve all its vitality!

Thank you for your loyalty to our farm and your solidarity with the whole Family Farmers Network!